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English essay

What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress? This essay is about the way of relieving stress. Since most modern workers are suffered from high stress, it is important to find out good remedy to soothe their stress. This short essay is about my personal opinion about ways of reducing stress. Topic) People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life.Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What d..
Why many women no loger feel the need to get married? This essay is about the recent trend that many women don't take the marriage as a mandatory thing because women can make their own living. Topic states such a trend stems from women's growing power in financial side while I see the value of marriage in non-financial side. Below essay is just my personal opinion not related to any other purposes. Topic) In many countries, women no longer feel the..
Having a good university degree guarantees people a good job? Topic)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Having a good university degree guarantees people a good job. To what extent do you agree? ​​​ It is a common belief that people who graduated from good university are smart and they can easily find a good job. In addition, many people think they are generally paid well because their background shows they are competent.​ I understand wh..
What do you think are some of the ways to improve air quality in the long term? This writing is about Fine dust problem in South Korea which has been lasted for few years. This essay is mainly covering how to deal with whether some measures that the government announced are working well or not. On top of that, I add some opinion about how we can improve the current situation. Note that this is just my personal opinion not related to other purposes. Topic)What do you think a..
Why do you think that young people delay their marriage in Korea This essay is about the late marriage trend in Korea. Peronally it is quite interesting topic for me because I have seen a lot of couple who postpone their marriage while keeping the relationship for a long time. Below writing is about my peronal opinion. Topic)The number of people tying the knot has gradually decreased since 2011, hitting its lowest level in 2017 with less than 270,000 marriage..
What do you think are pros and cons of increased minimum wage? This essay is about minimum wage increase policy released on Jul 15th 2017.I want to make sure that it is my personal opinion not related to any political purposes. Topic)The minimum wage in South Korea has gone up by 16% to 7,530 won, marking the biggest jump in two decades. ​What do you think are pros and cons of increased minimum wage? Moon administration’s announcement to increase the minimu..